2nd Event - Product Analyst Event
Product Analyst Event
Introduction to the Product Analyst Role
Responsibilities and expectations
Importance in the program ecosystem
AI Products to be Analyzed
Overview of the AI tools to be evaluated
Criteria for analysis
Team Structure
Division of 25 enrolled students into 5 teams
Each team consists of:
1 Team Leader
1 Assistant Team Leader
3 Team Members
Reporting Guidelines
How to document and submit analysis reports
Best practices for effective reporting
Points System and Progression
Explanation of how points are awarded
Requirements for role progression
Points System
Total points required to progress: 80 points
a. Meeting Attendance and Participation
5 points for each product analyst event (total of 4 events)
Maximum: 20 points
b. AI Product Analysis
10 points for each AI tool analyzed and reported (4 AI tools)
Maximum: 40 points
c. Team Project Participation
10 points for each team member participating in team projects
Maximum: 10 points
d. Bonus Points: AI Implementation
Propose an AI creation: $5 bonus on next payment
Implement the AI creation: $10 bonus on next payment
e. Bonus Points: Program Innovation
- Propose an innovation for the program: $5 bonus on next payment
Meeting Schedule
Product analysts will meet weekly every Tuesday from 7:00 PM to 7:45 PM. Teams will convene in their individual spaces for discussions and reporting.
Note: Each team will have their own dedicated space for discussions and reporting to facilitate collaborative work and effective communication.